Farrier Review: Glushu for horn reconstruction.
Thank you to farrier Pascal Wick who shared their latest Glushu glue on horse shoes work with a horse with a deformed hoof. Check out...

Farrier Review: Glushu for lameness.
Thank you to farrier Ollie Dand who shared their experience of using Glushu glue on horse shoes for horse suffering lameness due to poor...

Owner Review: Glushu for when you cannot nail.
Thanks to Lex and his human Millie for sharing their Glushu story. We are so please we could help when nailing was not an option. If you...

Farrier Report: Huf-Reha Team
The particular advantage of glued 'fittings' (here GluShu) is that the hooves are protected and, in combination with a supporting...

Farrier Report: Glushu incorporated into complex shoe.
Thank you to farrier Clint Loomis for sharing this complex shoe incorporating Glushu to help a horse with acute hoof problems. The...

Farrier Report: Glushu for nervous lame horse.
Thank you to expert farrier Sarah Logie for sharing her experience of using Glushu on her client Bella. If you are a farrier who is...

Owner Review: Glushu for lame jumper.
Big thank you to Lynx and her human Kristie for sharing their Glushu story. We are delighted to see her back up and jumping! Glushu can...

Farrier Report: Glushu for seedy toe.
Thank you to expert farrier Adam Lane for sharing photos from a recent Glushu fitting on a horse with a very damaged hoof. If you would...

Lame horse before and after Glushu Video.
Thank you to expert farrier Clint Loomis for sharing this amazing before and after video of a lame horse he helped using Glushu glue on...

Glushu Case: Lame. Amazing results.
Thanks to expert Glushu Farriers Peter Loots and Ulrich Gerusel for sharing this outstanding Glushu case. You can find Ulrich on Facebook...