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Farrier Report: Glushu for foundered horse.

Massive thank you to farrier Oscar Floyd for sharing foundered Luke's Glushu story. Please check out Oscar Floyd on Facebook to see more of their work.

If you would like to try Glushu for your horse, please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.

If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us


From Oscar Floyd:


Luke is a gelding in his mid-20s who has been foundered for a while now, since before he came into my care. The entire time I have worked on him, we have dealt with hoof wall quality issues. Until more recently, any attempt at padding him or using any therapeutic device would result in him turning up lame. However backwards it may sound, he was happiest with a plain steel shoe set back at the toe for breakover.

Eventually, I was able to get him into a leather rim-pad to try and keep his sole off the ground when we moved to a rockier new barn. I experimented with using an open toed shoe (also known as a "bank robber shoe") with a leather pad cut to only be over the frog, which worked with moderate success.

As South Carolina summers go, we typically will have multiple weeks of very hot drought, followed by what seems like weeks of endless rain, followed by more drought. These conditions are very tough on our feet, with dry cracks/chipping followed by the wet's thrush and fungal infections.

Luke grows very little foot, so when he ripped off a shoe in the wet pasture, I knew nailing was not going to be an option going forward.I was able to get it tacked on temporarily while I ordered a set of GluShu shoes in his size.

When they came in, I cut the toe flap off, ground down the rubber at the toe to relieve any sole pressure, drilled some holes in the side flaps for extra acryllic grip, and set them on Luke's feet. Needless to say, he was very happy with his new sneakers!

Typically, we bute him to help out his developing arthritis. That morning, he ate around it so he had no phenylbutazone in his system.

Luke walked off happy and very sound, which is not normal for him. I'm attributing it to how easy it is to put GluShu shoes on. Glueing the shoes on while the horse stands on them is a huge help to older horses, or to horses who struggle with standing for long.

I chose the GluShu for several reasons.

1. Excellent Shoe design. It's cushioned, and highly customizable.

2. Ease and cleanliness of application.

3. It's probably the most economical and effective Glue-on option out there.

I first discovered GluShu at one of the trade-shows at the International Hoof Care Summits. I believe it may have been the 2021 or 2022. While pondering how to shoe a couple horses, I looked through my bag of product fliers from the event and felt that GluShu would best serve my needs.

Several horses in my books are now going to be in GluShu shoes. I absolutely would recommend the GluShu as it has been come an effective tool in my arsenal!


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