Farrier Photos: Glushu protection for Laminitis and Abscess.
Thanks to Esther Munter and the gang at Huf Reha Team for sharing their fantastic Glushu work with problematic hooves including laminitis and abscesses. Be sure to check out more of their work on their Facebook Page.
The pain of laminitis is often underestimated and it’s essential to make the horse or pony comfortable quickly, while they’re being treated.
Glushu provides the farrier with an amazing tool to get the foot off the ground and add modifications providing support and shock absorption without the extra trauma of hammering and nailing.
Maintaining good circulation and exercise is essential to help horses through laminitis. Glushu provides hoof support, shock absorption and cushion so that your horse can continue to be turned out in comfort during a laminitic episode.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com.
From Esther:
“Always nice to see how beautiful a totally ailing hoof (hoof abscess and laminitis on the other hoof) can grow back healthily under a GluShu.”