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Farrier Report: Glushu for weak hooves.

Thank you to Lordship Farriery for their Glushu work on a horse with weak hooves that could not tolerate nails. Please check out Lordship Farriery on Facebook to see more of their work.

If you would like to try Glushu for your horse, please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.

If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us


From Lordship Farriery:


Little timeline of this mare’s feet as we get back to strong foot, her feet started to show signs of weakness in the wall and nailing just wasn’t an option as she was going to be lame!

Opted for the Hoof Casts to begin with which worked a treat for 2 cycles of 5 weeks and got some good growth in between which we hadn’t been seeing much of when shoeing as they were just breaking up.


Then today we changed it up for the GluShu, these went on a treat and even had the option of tapping the stud holes so she can continue to compete.

Things are looking good. Follow me on Facebook for updates”


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