Farrier Review: Glushu for lymphedema.
Thanks to farrier Daniel Wiebel for sharing his great work with Glushu glue on horse shoes. We are so happy to see the results! Please take a moment to like Daniels Facebook page: www.facebook.com/HufbeschlagDanielWiebel
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse please order from our online store or at your local farrier supply.
If you have any questions about Glushu please contact us info@glushu.com.
From Daniel:
“This is my client who I have been taking care of for a very long time. He developed hoof problems caused by (probably) lymphedema.
I chose to use Glushu glue on horse shoes on his tricky feet after finding them online. I'm so glad that there are now such reliable ways of gluing. This allows the hoof to be radically cleaned and rebuilt.
At the very beginning it was more the wish to give him a few more nice, pain-free weeks.....now it's been years. AND he's still really in good form.
As a glue-on shoe, the GLUSHU does the very best job. It is glued with Hoof Bond&Repair from Carre`
Check out my Facebook page to see more of my work.