Thank you to expert farrier Ulrich Gerusel for another fantastic Glushu report. Ulrich is an expert at dealing with extremely difficult hoof conditions – we are so glad that Glushu have become an essential part of his tool kit.
If you would like to try Glushu for your horse or if you have any questions about Glushu glue on horse shoes please get in touch info@glushu.com.
From Ulrich Gerusel:
“ This is my recent client and they came to me in a condition that could hardly have been worse. It can hardly be worse. This horse had a substantial injury from an ulcer and I knew if would take a lot of rehabilitation.
The first thing I had to do was provide stability for the hoof. The sole was curved like and banana and the fetlock pressed forward.
I built up the horn in the toe area so that the horse was able to put weight on the leg again.
The next step was to fit a GluShu glue on horse shoe. I have used Glushu on lots of horses who need very special care and they have been great.
I then built up the toe again.
We now have a much happier horse and I am confident we will have a successful outcome.
Let's see what the next few weeks will bring.”